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Gutenberg and Its Features: Revolutionizing Content Creation and Publishing

Gutenberg and Its Features: Revolutionizing Content Creation and Publishing

Gutenberg and its Features: the ultimate guide about the features of the Gutenberg editor and when to use each.

There are tons of page builders and page editors in the WordPress ecosystem, but none are as powerful as Gutenberg. Since it was first released in 2017, it’s been offered as a plugin before being mandatory for all WordPress sites around the world.

With hundreds of thousands of downloads and installs, you can be sure that Gutenberg is another revolution brought by WordPress.

It’s feature-rich and built with a variety of custom elements which makes it intuitive to use.

All in all, if you want to use Gutenberg editor, you need to install WordPress 5.0.

What is Gutenberg and how does it work?

Gutenberg is a page builder for WordPress. It’s designed to help you create content and to make it easy for users to edit their own content.

With Gutenberg, you can create all the content you need and users will have a better experience creating and editing content.

Users will be able to create more complex page layouts than ever before, and they’ll also be able to better customize what is shown on each page.

Gutenberg Editor works by allowing you to add blocks of content to your post by creating a new block. You can add blocks of text, images, galleries, videos, tables, and much more!

Clicking on the toolbar at the top of the editor will bring you to the block editor, where you can choose from a range of blocks that are already available.

If you want to add your own blocks, you can click the “Add block” option and type in the name of the block you want to add in the search bar.

When you have the block you’re looking for, click the “Add block” button and you will be able to integrate that block into your post.

TIP: To make your blocks more visible, add them to your sidebars using the settings option!

Why you should use Gutenberg and its features?

The new Gutenberg editor was built with the everyday user in mind.

It was designed to be more intuitive, powerful, and easy to use. The new editor lets you build new pages and edit existing content without having to leave the post editor.

It uses a new format called blocks, which are intuitive and easy to use. This new feature will help you create more engaging and personalized content for your blog.

Here are some of the reasons why you should use the new Gutenberg editor:

  • Get rid of the cluttered, confusing WordPress editor, and start writing in a clean, distraction-free writing area.
  • Write better content, faster, without having to worry about formatting
  • Write content that’s better for SEO.
  • Easier to write longer content.
  • Edit longer content with ease.
  • Edit faster with a “WYSIWYG?” editor.
  • Write in your visual editor, then edit in your classic editor.
  • You can switch between the visual editor and HTML editor at any time.
  • Easily change the layout of your content.
  • Easily add and format your content.
  • Easily add images, videos and audio.
  • Easily add links to other posts and pages.
  • Easily add content to your sidebar.
  • Easily add content to your footer.
  • Create really cool features with the “blocks”.
  • Blocks add the ability to customize your website with small, specific pieces of content or design

How to install Gutenberg on your site OR convert a current website into a WordPress site with the new editor?

Installing the Gutenberg editor on your website is easy.

First, you’ll need to update your version of WordPress. You can find instructions on how to do this here: https://bit.ly/SAHP6Vn

Once you have updated WordPress, all you have to do is go to your plugins page and search for “Gutenberg”, click install, and then activate the plugin.

This should add the Gutenberg editor to the top of your page. Easy, right? Now you can start writing your pages and posts with the Gutenberg editor!

Best practices for using the new editor (including pros and cons)

Here are some of the most important best practices to keep in mind:-.
  • Make sure you’re staying consistent in everything you’re doing with your blocks.
  • Make sure to use the most appropriate block for the topic you’re writing about.
  • Keep your blocks easy to read. You don’t want to confuse your readers.
  • While there are lots of little things you can do to make your pages look nice, make sure to focus on the content first. It’s the most important thing!

Pros and Cons of using Gutenberg Editor:

The Gutenberg Editor has recently been released to the WordPress community as a Beta version and is available for testing.

With the popularity of the platform going up day by day, the new editor may be the best way to fully utilize the expansive resources available.

However, it does come with some drawbacks that WordPress users should be aware of.


  • The new interface allows a better user experience with more functionality.
  • It is simple and easy to use.
  • The transition from the old editor is easy for users of all technical levels.
  • Content can be accessed in a much quicker way with the new blocks in the interface.


  • Blocks are not customizable and may be difficult for experienced users.
  • It’s still in Beta and may be prone to bugs or other technical issues.

Blocks, the lifeline of Gutenberg Editor

Using blocks when constructing content can make a big difference. Adding blocks enables you to create your own type of block that you can insert into any one of your projects without all of the hassles which comes with creating a block from scratch.

When you create a new project with the Gutenberg editor, it comes pre-populated with more than 25 different block types (also known as “modules” and “guts”).

The different categories of block type that are directly related to the functions that your project will need most often are present by default.

When you add a new block to a page or post, you are presented with a dropdown menu listing several categories of block types so that you can easily find what module is best suited for your needs. They can be divided under:

  • Most Used
  • Common Blocks
  • Formatting
  • Layout Elements
  • Widgets
  • Embeds

Here are most of the blocks divided neatly under various heads:



The new Gutenberg editor is exciting, but it can be extremely difficult to learn for people who haven’t previously used a page builder. If you’re new to WordPress, we suggest using the Classic Editor plugin first and then shift to Gutenberg Editor. We hope you enjoyed this article about the new Gutenberg editor and how it can improve your content management experience. The new Gutenberg editor on WordPress is great, providing an exciting new way to create content within the WordPress CMS using blocks.

We hope this content has been helpful for you. If you have any feedback, please leave us a comment. We would love to hear from you!

Jetanibrothers is a Web Development Company in London. We are providing the affordable wordpress services across the globe. Discover the power of Gutenberg, a groundbreaking content editor for WordPress websites.

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